This website is so that all those who love Theresa can keep tabs on her adventures in Peace Corps-Ecuador!

Friday, August 24, 2007

I know you will miss my shiney nickel

Two very important bits of information...
Point Uno: Today our co-trainers (current volunteers on their way out of the service who come to share their wealth of knowledge with us in training...oh yeah, my boss has already told me that she wants me to be a co-trainer in 2 years, God I am the sh!t) gave us awards based on our personalities. I thought those of you who enjoy my Social-Work-Analogies-On-Life would like to know that I was given the "Shiney New Nickel Award" because you know I have shared the nugget of knowledge that "you cant make shiney new nickels" with my group on many occasions. One day, my analogies will take over the world.

Point Dos: Today I met the infamous Amber. Amber lived with my host family two years ago, she leaves service to return to the states next week. The legend of Amber in my house is like that of the older sister who went away to a really good college, graduated with honors and then went on to cure cancer...basically they friggin love them some Amber. And now, I understand why. Man! That girl was super nice, friendly, talkative, pilas, in general just really cool. Dammit! I was hoping that they had just built her up, but nooooo, she really is that cool. Well, I am not Amber, and I never will be, but hopefully they will miss me when I am gone, too. Ojala.

Training is over in just over a week, gracias a dios.


ps. i love all of the comments that you folks make on here. you rock my world and at life in general.

1 comment:

Raegan said...

You'll leave a mark with your host family and then you'll be the new Amber. They'll forget about her..LOL! Maybe not just wanted to babble. Miss you, I'm doing well its like the move opened up a new door for me and a weight was lifted off my shoulder! Talk to you soon and I miss you a ton!